Monday, April 13, 2009

New brand makes a splash

The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) is the national body that maintains and develops the national curriculum and associated assessments, tests and examinations, and accredits qualifications in colleges and at work.

QCA asked Oculus to develop a brand for the new national curriculum.

As Mick Waters, Director of Curriculum, QCA, states, “Teachers, parents, employers, the media and the public school should all see the curriculum as something to embrace, support and celebrate. Most of all, young people should relish the opportunity for discovery and achievement that the curriculum offers.”

Using the existing subject-specific colours, we created a colourful new mark that reflects the innovation, strength and creativity of this new direction. This Crown copyright logo has to work across multiple formats, subjects and age groups to reflect the fluid and responsive nature of the curriculum.

However, QCA is not the only organisation involved. The brand needs to work with that of QCA’s major partner the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and those of seven other subsidiary partners; and to ensure the brand is always used consistently, we have developed a set of style guidelines.

Top of the class
A delighted QCA presented the new brand at a conference where teachers and staff had their first view of how the new curriculum was going to work. Designing the conference items gave Oculus the opportunity to use the brand across a wide range of materials including an overview document, conference banners, delegate packs and even presentation materials.

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